Indonesia may have again used the chemical weapon White Phosphorus on indigenous West Papuans in Kiwirok. I am calling for an urgent international investigation into these very serious allegations.
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The few educated Papuans seem inclined toward independence but recognize their present inability to stand alone. The seemingly senseless struggle has cost both sides dear. In 1957 Sukarno brutally ...
In an effort to assert their culture, there has been an ongoing call for independence by West Papuans. Following the departure of the Dutch in 1962, and a brief period of UN administration ...
Papua New Guinea racked up a fourth consecutive win over the UAE in CWC League 2 at Kirtipur on Friday (March 10), further compounding the Emiratis' woes as they seek to avoid a sixth-placed finish.
Wenda, an exiled West Papuan leader, outlined in a December 16 statement that at that moment the Indonesian forces were carrying out ethnic cleansing in multiple regencies, as thousands of West ...
Those Papuans had in effect seen aliens – the pale beings even arrived in giant metal birds from the skies. I think we face the same logic failures when even just thinking about actual aliens.
Noken bags—used by both men and women to carry everything from produce to babies—brim with history. Knotted and woven from plant fibers, they link Indigenous Papuans to an ancestral crafting process ...