Raspberry Pi Pico microcontrollers come with a variety of different features for a few bucks, and a few interesting ...
RFID 卡和标签无处不在!我们在建筑物中使用它们进行访问控制。打印机和复印机可以使用它们来识别工作人员。牲畜标签和宠物识别标签都使用一种 RFID 形式。读取 RFID 设备的技术很便宜,大约 5 美元就可以买到 阅读器 ,而 4 美元, ...
这款由 Pi 驱动的 量角器 旨在用于实时计算旋转角度。这个特殊的模块能够将所述测量值转换为 USB 信号,这使其成为模拟方向盘的绝佳设备。如果您想模拟驾驶游戏,您可以使用这种设置从头开始制作控制器。
Arnov Sharma built a Raspberry Pi Pico studio light from scratch that can be controlled using push buttons to adjust the LEDs ...
ClockworkPi has made several Linux handheld terminals over the years such as the GameShell or DevTerm, but the PicoCalc Kit ...
Yaluke has created a Raspberry Pi Pico-powered protractor that can be used to calculate rotation data for simulating steering ...
The Pico gives more options for your Raspberry Pi projects, but what's the difference between it and and the Pico W?
▲ 点击上方蓝字关注我们,不错过任何一篇干货文章!1.Arm推出目前最小的Armv9-A架构CPU:面向边缘AI领域出击该平台以全新CPU Cortex A320,以及对Transformer AI网络具有原生支持的Ethos U85 ...
The story for this one starts a few months ago, when [John Green] released his PICO-GB project. His code allowed the Raspberry Pi Pico to stand in for a Game Boy cartridge, complete with a simple ...
The PicoCalc is a new handheld with a retro design. At first glance it looks more like a graphing calculator than a modern ...
Whilst the Raspberry Pi RP2040 is quite a capable little chip ... [kingyo] so far has managed to implement the Pico-10BASE-T providing the bare minimum of UDP transmission (GitHub project ...
Arnov Sharma built a Raspberry Pi Pico studio light from scratch that can be controlled using push buttons to adjust the LEDs ...