With cool-season vegetable crops going into the ground, many gardeners who ventured into cover cropping last autumn may ask a familiar question: What do I do now? Their crops have fulfilled their ...
For farmers trying to Flip their Soil and improve soil health one simple thing they can do this fall is plant cereal rye as a cover crop and plant soybeans into that stand. Soil health experts say ...
Cover crop termination is not a one-size-fits-all process. Ohio farmers must consider their specific goals and available ...
injecting manure into a growing cover crop in early spring. "Applying manure early in the spring synchronized with a growing ...
He has been using no-till and minimal tillage since 2010 and cover crops since around 2016 ... “In a wet season, I am able to either get in and plant all of the field or the greater majority ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
Mother Nature looks to provide producers in Iowa an optimal planting window this week, as temps will hit the 80s and rain will hold off until the weekend. But those tides could change with ...
The farmers plant cover crops to suppress weeds ... How do we not disenfranchise our farmers who we have talked into taking this operational risk with the promise that we would support them ...
Combine crop plants with other annual or perennial plants in the vegetable bed. Herbs are desirable crops themselves, and often produce small flowers with exposed nectaries that attract and support ...