Anita Lasker-Wallfisch also plays the cello. In 1943 Anita was sent to Auschwitz. She survived because she played the instrument.
The cello, otherwise known as a violoncello, is a bowed instrument with four strings. It's a close cousin of the violin, viola, and double bass. The cello can be played as a solo instrument, as well ...
The cello looks like a violin - but bigger. You couldn't hold this under your chin! Instead, it rests on a spike which sticks into the floor and is held between the players legs and played with a bow.
The Cello Concerto was the last important work that ... Colles’s perception in it of ‘a mind that can think on a big scale, but loves to play with children far more’ could apply equally ...
This time, a new robot has entered the music arena to transform it. In a recent video, the robot was spotted playing the ...
Tell something about you that most people don't know. I used to play the cello at an accelerated level from sixth to eighth grade. If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you go?