With an average annual income of $315 per capita, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and one of ...
Nepal may recover one day, though it still has a long way to go. But it’s doubtful Shrestha will ever own a house again. There are probably many others like her, the poorest of the poor in one ...
It’s not clear how Nepal, one of the poorest countries worldwide ... US foreign assistance on the day he returned to the White House. The Himalayan nation's Finance Ministry said USAID-financed ...
In Nepal we have the second day of Tihar as the 'Day of the dogs', to worship canines all over the country. The festival is practised to appease the Hindu god of death, Yama, as dogs are ...
Speaking at the meeting of the upper house of the federal parliament on the very next day of Ghimire’s statement, lawmaker ...