Presentation Program is designed for 4-H members ages 9 to 18. The system of county, regional, and state 4-H presentation events supports youth 4-H members (aged 9 to 18) in practicing and improving ...
Most of these programs are offered free of charge. There is a nominal fee for RAD courses, which covers program materials. We can also tailor a program or presentation to meet your safety needs! This ...
which recognizes the best interdisciplinary presentation for their particular Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. Students automatically qualify for the Certificate of Excellence Award if they ...
The program included a first half-day devoted to AGeS cohort activities. The second day was open to anyone wishing to attend, and included presentations by invited experts about the latest ...
Both presentation software share several similarities, but I would choose Google Slides over PowerPoint for several reasons. Unlike Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides is available free of charge ...
The standard Honors Project presentation format is a panel presentation with other students from your major or college. Each panelist presents for 12-15 minutes followed by Q&A and discussion.