考虑到有部分朋友热衷于捡老旗舰,本文将重新测试GeForce RTX 3090的游戏性能,供感兴趣的朋友参考。当然,流畅运行主流游戏肯定没有问题 ...
4 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNRTX 30系列与RX 6000系列的性能分析。- **4K分辨率**:在4K分辨率下,RX 6000系列整体表现强势。例如,RX 6900 XT在多数游戏中领先于RTX 3090,仅在《德军总部:新血脉》中被RTX 3090小幅度反超[^1^]。 - **2K分辨率**:RTX ...
电子茅台英伟达Geforce RTX 5090 (D)显卡可谓是买到就是赚到,如今国行版Geforce RTX 5090 D在二手平台的价格已经高达2.5万余元,满血版Geforce RTX 5090更是高达3.5万元,差价如此之大,以至于有黄牛冒着被日韩政府逮捕的风险前往海外人肉代购,经销商们自然也不会放过这个机会,为了尽可能清掉难卖的库存,便打起了搭售的主意。
据闲鱼平台数据显示,近三个月高端显卡算力租赁搜索量飙升300%,RTX 3090、4090等型号显卡成了“电子硬通货”。 记者搜索发现,闲鱼上算力租赁 ...
When Nvidia's AI bubble finally bursts and it can't just print money anymore, I really hope it remembers its gaming roots to produce great GPUs again.
Don't compromise on power or portability with the best gaming laptops. We've been testing the best gaming laptops, digging deep into the latest flavors of AMD processor and Nvidia graphics silicon ...
In comparison, the RTX 4090 still offers around a 32% gain over the RTX 5070, with big differences in DirectX 9 through ...
If you'd like an older reference point, this is a GPU that hoses the RTX 3090, in gaming and productivity terms. Sure, at some point the extra 8 GB in the old $1,500 card will come into play ...