THE modified form of the ionic deflexion theory of wave propagation, discussed by Messrs. Nichols and Schelling (NATURE, March 7, vol. 115, p. 334), appears to have been suggested in England and ...
AMONG the facts to be explained in a satisfactory theory of the propagation of radio waves over the earth's surface are the curvature of the rays in transmission between stations far apart ...
In the case of the black hole mergers recorded in 2015 by ... in South Africa to track the slight changes in the timing of radio waves coming from more than 80 pulsars—rapidly spinning, ultra ...
The double-sided radio wave is estimated to span at least 200,000 ... This quasar has a mass that equals 450 million solar masses, featuring a black hole of average size. To paint a complete ...
Different types of electromagnetic wave have different uses and dangers. Radio waves are used for sending radio and television signals. They are also used to control radio-controlled toys ...
Back to our radio signal. The electrons in our wire are moving, but not in one direction. These electrons are moving back and forth. Actually, the wave displayed in the activity is a ...
So, instead of using ultrasound, radio waves are used as they travel at 300,000,000 m/s. It works in the same way as sonar but with radio waves in place of ultrasound. A short pulse of radio waves ...
The waves are expected to come from pairs of supermassive black holes found in the centres of merging galaxies and the discovery ... The finding stems from observations made over the last 25 years ...