A quiet night in the Himalayas turned into something magical. High above Tibet, rare red flashes lit up the sky. These were ...
Rare red flashes, known as 'red sprites', illuminated the Himalayan sky in May 2022, astonishing both astrophotographers and ...
In a nutshell Photographers in Tibet captured 105 red sprites above a single thunderstorm in South Asia—the highest number ...
These eye-catching phenomena have long puzzled skygazers and scientists—until two amateur astronomers made a very serendipitous discovery.
contained roughly 60 times more energy than a standard lightning bolt and reached up to 8,000 degrees Fahrenheit (4,400 degrees Celsius). These jets often terminate with tendrils of branching red ...
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike is an Incantation Magic Spell in Elden Ring. A secret incantation of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons a red bolt oflightning that scatters and spreads ...