PULLMAN, Wash. -- Washington State was justified in firing Nick Rolovich as head football coach because of his refusal to comply with the state's COVID-19 vaccination requirements, a federal judge ...
Altogether, Rolovich coached 11 games at WSU, finishing with a 5–6 record. In four seasons at Hawaii, he compiled a 28–27 record with three Hawaii Bowl appearances.
PULLMAN -- Washington State director of athletics Pat Chun confirmed Monday Nick Rolovich's firing was "for cause," and WSU President Kirk Schulz said he had hoped until time ran out that Rolovich ...
WSU fired Nick Rolovich midway through the 2021 football season because he would not comply with the state's vaccine mandate. Rolovich said it was against his religious beliefs, but a federal ...
WASHINGTON STATE FOOTBALL COACH Nick Rolovich released a statement late Monday night through the school. The release comes after a "private conversation" with third-year sophomore wide receiver ...