According to the 2014 census, Roma make up 0.3 percent of the population of the Republic of Moldova and were estimated at 9.300 people. In 2021, over 27.000 Roma were registered, according to data ...
No records exist from pre-war Europe about the size of the global Roma population. Today, it consists of some 12 million people from a wide cultural background and includes several hundred ...
Academics from The University of Manchester are leading a European Commission funded project in partnership with Manchester City Council to help the city’s Roma population to gain access to services, ...
Fluent Finnish Romani is spoken only by one-third of the local Roma population, which makes the language endangered in Finland. Romani is, however, protected by law: the Constitution of Finland ...
Singh, who has mined extensive data about the group, told the audience that the Roma population is around 10-12 million in Europe. However, she added that the number could be as high as 20 million.
Council of Europe experts on national minorities have called on Irish authorities to improve the plight of the Roma and ...