of rivers and canals Map reveals how much it would have cost to travel on roads and seas across the empire in 200 CE It calculates the route based on the season, or mode of transport chosen - and ...
A superb general and politician, Julius Caesar (c ... the northern borders of the empire and tackle its enemies in the east. At home, he reformed the Roman calendar, tackled local government ...
maps, tables, stemma, notes, biblio ... while helping to shape imperial institutions and expanding the frontiers more than anyone since Augustus. Author of the notable Caesar's Legacy: Civil War and ...
In 49 B.C. on the banks of the Rubicon, Julius Caesar faced a critical choice ... Under this brilliant, implacable leader, the new Roman Empire buried the old, aristocratic infighting to become ...
Well, at that time all these places were part of the Roman Empire. An empire is a group ... But for one man this was just another opportunity. Julius Caesar had already made a name for himself ...