Sanral's general manager for communications and marketing, Vusi Mona, explained that toll revenue is necessary to maintain, operate and improve toll roads and service debt incurred to implement a ...
The road is used by a variety of businesses, including farmers delivering cane to the mills and the transport of fuel to the ...
The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (Sanral) has announced that the annual toll tariffs will increase by 4.84% effective from March 1, 2025. The new toll tariffs are adjusted ...
South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (Sanral) Eastern Region Geometrics Specialist Engineer, Jason Lowe, said this follows the demolition of the old bridge in August last year.
Motorists are already paying more to drive on South African roads this year than last, with a two-month streak in petrol price hikes, and now SANRAL is set to increase the price of toll gate ...