Scots, the West-Germanic language, has declined in popularity in recent history, however their words are still used by many people. Teachers can use these short clips in the classroom to explore ...
The Scottish Association for Language Teaching (SALT) released a statement following the release of the timetable outlining concerns that students might be disadvantaged and that the new schedule ...
Never mind. NARRATOR: It's Kaye Adams' job to talk, and as a broadcaster on both radio and television, language is her business. KAYE: I really enjoy using the Scots language. I get a kick out of ...
When Still Wakes the Deep isn’t delivering accursed, heart-pounding horror, it’s offering an expletive-filled primer in the Scottish language. Verisimilitude, of place, period, and slang ...
A feasibility study is to be done into setting up the Western Isles' first Gaelic language secondary school. The Scottish government has already offered to fund the research, which councillors ...