Most of Miami University's fully online programs are asynchronous (no scheduled meeting times), but your instructor may offer office hours via Zoom. Miami students in face-to-face, hybrid, or online ...
How to download Zoom on iPhone (iOS, Android, Samsung) 3. How to join Zoom meeting by phone using the meeting link 4. How to manually join a Zoom meeting with meeting ID and password 5.
Record your Zoom meetings for others to watch on your CMS website or through a shareable link. You should setup your recording preferences by accessing your Zoom settings and then selecting the ...
How to schedule a Zoom meeting You can set up a Zoom meeting on the website ... Or, you can copy the invitation link and share it with your guests. 1. Open the Zoom desktop app on your computer ...
Set up your Zoom meeting link and distribute it to your students. If you plan to hold class (or office hours, or some other recurring meeting time) over Zoom, schedule your meeting as a recurring ...