What comes to mind when you think of crochet shawl patterns? If you are envisioning some sort of simple shawl reminiscent of a drab remake of Little House on the Prairie, then think again!
The BAAAhd Girls of Schuylkill County, a sheep-to-shawl team have created a presentation on how they went from an idea to ...
When you see Mary, the mother of Jesus, she will be wrapped in a shawl that reminds you of sunset, with shades of gold, purple and teal. Leila Heise, costume designer for the popular Biblical ...
The Miller-Cory House Museum in Westfield is hosting its annual Sheep to Shawl Festival on Saturday, April 27, from 1 to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness the ...
A shawl made from cloth of a rich, captivating azure. Worn pinned over one shoulder, it looks most at home on the back of a rugged soldier. 8000 ...
The president, just as the Christian Reconstructionists intended, sits at the top of a violent system as the mouthpiece of a silent, abusive God. It’s a rich, multivocal library. And we can’t afford ...