The oil spill has leaked millions of gallons ... nearly 12,000 to 30,000 gallons of oil have spilled out into the Gulf of Mexico after the powerful winds of Hurricane Ivan knocked over a Taylor ...
We have all been reading about the blowout that led to huge fire and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Now there is news that there is a huge oil spill coming ...
As far as British oil giant BP is concerned, the catastrophic oil spill that tainted Louisiana’s shores more than a decade ago didn’t take place in the Gulf of Mexico. It took place in the ...
Shell Offshore announced plans to develop the Great White, Tobago and Silvertip Fields via a Perdido Regional Development host, located in Alaminos Canyon, offshore Gulf of Mexico, approximately ...
WASHINGTON— The D.C. District Court on Thursday found unlawful a 73-million acre offshore oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf ...
Following Google, Apple’s maps now show Trump’s Gulf of Mexico name ... s destroyed oil well. How fortuitous! But hoping that hungry bacteria will help in the next oil spill is dangerous ...
The Justice Department and five states on Monday announced a $20 billion final settlement of claims arising from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP has reached an $18.7 ...
Installed in 2,860 feet (871.7 m) of water, the Auger TLP reportedly set a world water-depth record for a drilling and production platform, and surpassed the existing Gulf of Mexico record by more ...
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster that will affect wildlife in the oceans and on the shores for a long time. But can microorganisms come to the rescue? bacteria constitute a ...
Eight research teams will receive more than $112 million over three years to study the effects of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, according to the independent granting body established by BP after ...