The molecule was found in soil samples collected from a laboratory technician’s garden. The discovery shows that “there is ...
With the increase in population and the development of industry, many pollutants are constantly discharged into the environment, causing water and soil pollution, and threatening the health of human ...
Soil science thesis research includes soil chemistry, soil fertility and management, soil physics, soil microbiology and biochemistry, soil and water quality and environmental microbiology. When you ...
When you can’t see processes happening, it is up to research to find practices that work and preventing wasted resources on those that don’t ...
Vogel and colleagues invite the microbiology community to participate in an ambitious and extraordinary sequencing project to uncover the soil metagenome. The microorganisms in the 'living soil ...
Microbial communities in agroecosystems play a crucial role in maintaining soil health and suppressing plant diseases. They are involved in nutrient ...
Assistant Professor at the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology (MCB), IISc, and corresponding author of the study. Pande and others found that the death of M. xanthus in soil bacterial ...