Nitrogen is the foundation of high corn yields. But the nitrogen you apply might be wasted if your soil lacks sulfur, a critical micronutrient that helps plants metabolize nitrogen. “Sulfur ...
Some plants are picky about the pH in their soil, so you'll need to make some amendments. Be sure to avoid these mistakes that will lead to bigger problems.
Adding sulfur to soil is the best way to try to lower pH in soil quickly. Sulfur is a natural element that occurs in decaying organic matter. Several types of sulfur are available as garden soil ...
If your garden soil lacks acidity, you can correct the imbalance with this safe, affordable, and widely available addition. Learn what it is and how to use it.
Serving as a building block for protein synthesis, and especially for the formation of amino acids, sulfur (S) impacts the ...
Limestone does contain nutrients such as calcium and magnesium but ideally it is used for adjusting pH of yard and garden soils. Discussion of using these types of soil amendments should start ...
Astronomers have discovered that sulfur may be a key to helping us narrow down our search for life on other planets. It's not that sulfur is a great indication that a planet is inhabited. Instead, ...
from decaying organic matter and oxidation of ammonium and sulfur fertilizers. Strongly acid soils are usually the result of the action of these strong organic and inorganic acids. Lime is usually ...
K-State recommends taking at least 20 to 30 cores per field, which is a bitter pill to swallow that most don’t. The more ...