Somehow, I missed the memo about testing for pH. "Soil pH testing is vital for understanding your soil's chemical makeup and how it affects plant growth," says Greg Niewold of
Our gardening experts will explain everything you need to know about testing your soil’s acidity below. You’ll be measuring its pH like a pro in no time. Ultimately, what soil acers like will ...
Most gardeners think soil testing only determines nutrient deficiencies, but the tests also help gardeners understand whether ...
The relative proportions of all these, along with pH, determine soil type. The pH of a soil refers to its acidity or alkalinity and is a vital factor in plant growth. It's easy to measure and is ...
Managing soil pH is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of soil health and crop productivity, says Marla Riekman, a land ...
The University of Delaware Soil Testing Lab uses the Adams-Evans buffer pH test to determine lime requirement for a field based on soil test analysis of an 8-inch composite soil sample. In this quick ...
Having a soil pH in the neutral to 6.8 range across corn acres can help growers get the best performance from their fertility program — achieving higher yields with better ROI.
By Shelby Carroll N.C. Cooperative Extension As the warmth of summer approaches, now is the perfect time to prepare your garden soil for a successful growing season. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener ...
Later winter and early spring are good times to start working on your garden's soil health to make sure your garden gets off ...
For those deciding where to start their garden or orchard, Penn State Extension is offering a webinar, “Living on a Few Acres: Soil Fertility and Garden Layout,” March 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. This session ...