An AP journalist was the first to visit the community. Such flooding is becoming a yearly disaster in South Sudan, which the World Bank has described as “the world’s most vulnerable country to ...
ICPAC data indicate that torrential rains could occur in southern Tanzania and parts of southwestern Uganda in March, leading ...
with South Sudan's oil revenues suspended, escalating regional tensions and arms flooding across the border. "Already we are seeing the initial stages of spillover fighting in Upper Nile from the ...
South Sudan is one of the world's youngest nations ... The country has faced years of civil conflict, compounded by recurrent droughts and floods that have severely affected living conditions.
South Sudan, one of the most climate-vulnerable countries, has suffered from climate change shocks with excessive flooding for four consecutive years that destroyed livelihoods and increased food ...
South Sudan closed all schools Thursday for two ... country - which faces extreme effects from climate change, including flooding during the rainy season - has closed schools during a heat wave ...
South Sudan has announced the closure of all schools ... which faces extreme effects from climate change, including flooding during the rainy season – has closed schools during a heatwave ...
South Sudan on Thursday announced the closure of ... which faces extreme effects from climate change, including flooding during the rainy season — has closed schools during a heatwave in ...