These degree courses can form part of a Language Centre BSc programme but you can also can take Spanish Language and Society as a fully assessed part of your undergraduate degree from absolute ...
These courses form part of our non degree language programme. The links below give very detailed course information on the different levels available. However, the process of registration is very ...
Designed to prepare students with minimum essentials of oral and written Spanish for intermediate and advanced level work. Students completing this course may apply for placement credit. HU 3264 - ...
As a single department with two majors—one in Spanish, the other in Portuguese and Brazilian studies—our commitment to intercultural studies reaches beyond traditional fields of national literatures, ...
As of this summer, the College Board offers AP courses in seven different foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. Not only is Spanish the most studied ...
The Basic Spanish Language Program (BSLP) consists of first- and second-year Spanish language instruction. The program consists of two, four-credit first-year courses (SPAN 111 and SPAN 112) and two, ...
Bienvenidos! Bem-Vindos! The Department offers a major, a minor, and a combined BA/MA program in Spanish, as well as specialized modified Spanish courses for the Basic Language Sequence (SPN 101, 102, ...
Offers students a firm command of Spanish grammar. Grammar is used as a point of departure for development of oral skills. Reading and writing are stressed to a lesser degree. Attendance at the ...