Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma 3.0T GE SIGNA™ Premier 3T wide-bore MRI scanner Located at UAB Highlands The Research MRI Core houses a Siemens Prisma 3.0T whole-body MRI system and a GE Signa Premier 3T wide ...
Cubresa’s NuPET™ is a revolutionary in-bore PET scanner that inserts into existing MRI instruments to create a powerful and flexible hybrid preclinical in vivo imaging platform that combines ...
Toshiba addressed this issue through the development of the Atlas coil concept, introduced on this scanner. The Vantage Atlas is a very compact 1.5 Tesla MRI system that combines an ultra short ...
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen have developed an ultra-low magnetic scanner, which can perform MRI scans without the need for intravenous contrast agents and with unprecedented precision.
The MRI may scan your whole spine or just a part of it. Unlike X-rays and computerized tomography (CT) scans, it doesn’t use damaging radiation. It’s generally safe and painless. The doctor ...