Three Sunni-majority provinces have declared Wednesday holiday in protest to the federal supreme court’s ruling to ...
Iraq’s top court has suspended implementation of three controversial bills passed last month by the country’s parliament, ...
The measures in question include a general amnesty law, new personal status legislation, and a law on the restitution of ...
This is the Sunni viewpoint. A minority believed that Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law should lead the community. These Muslims came to be known as Shi’a, which means ‘Party of Ali’ ...
The Iraqi parliament has passed an amnesty law that could lead to the release of thousands of prisoners, including Iraqis ...
While the main responsibility of Sunni Caliphs was to maintain law and order in the Muslim realm, as descendants of the Prophet, Shia Imams (spiritual leaders) also provided religious guidance and ...
Sunni political parties will not submit their code of Sharia and will adhere to the law setting the age of marriage at 18. The amendments allow the choice of whether to be subject to the ...
The parliament also passed a general amnesty law seen as benefiting Sunni detainees and that's also seen as giving a pass to people involved in corruption and embezzlement. The chamber also passed and ...
The parliament also passed a general amnesty law seen as benefiting Sunni detainees and that’s also seen as giving a pass to people involved in corruption and embezzlement. The chamber also ...