Superconductivity is a quantum physical state in which a metal is able to conduct electricity perfectly without any ...
The news doesn’t go long without some kind of superconductor announcement these days. Unfortunately, these come in several categories: materials that require warmer temperatures than previous ...
To have been alive over the last five decades is to have seen superconductors progress ... Floating on a magnetic field is cool as anything, but what are the benefits of such a material?
It fuels optimism that humanity can one day harness this powerful energy source. The REBCO superconductor being tested in the UK could help solve some of the challenges of fusion. It allows for ...
The researchers also found that for magnetic fields rotating in the conducting planes, the thermal conductivity of the Kagome ...
Boston College physicists have discovered a complex landscape of electronic states that can co-exist on a kagome lattice, resembling those in high-temperature superconductors, they reported this fall ...
Superconductor Science and Technology is an international multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of superconductivity. The coverage includes theories of superconductivity, the basic ...
Josephson microwave microscopy integrating Josephson junctions onto a nanoprobe enables spectroscopic imaging of near-field ...
On September 22, the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Steady High Magnetic Field Laboratory set an impressive record with a resistive magnet sustaining a magnetic field of 42.02 tesla.
Like zinc, NbSe 2 also becomes a superconductor at low temperature but with additional ‘abilities’. This is due to a key detail: magnetic fields and a material’s superconducting state never ...