Wendell Lewis Randall of Mt. Airy will serve sentences for fraud and money laundering, along with an 18 month sentence from ...
The Hampton Roads Show airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on WAVY-TV 10.
We missed all the cool stuff. Good On the cool stuff. Hey You need help? There's like one guy down there. Yeah, I'm about to just I Good. Is it like not All right. You Yeah. Um, are you, are we ...
Tax revenue has been the driving rationale for every data center rezoning in Virginia, from Loudoun to Surry County.
SURRY – LTC (Ret) James Clark Judkins, Jr. 72, of Surry County Virginia passed away on 12 March 2018. LTC Judkins known to family and friends as “Jim” or “Judd” was born and raised in ...