Multiple studies suggest butterflies are disappearing- but why, and what can be done? Here are some possible answers, backed ...
A study compiled data from more than 76,000 butterfly surveys across the continental U.S. The declines seen in the last 20 ...
Photographer and National Geographic Explorer Rena Effendi learned that a little-known species was named after her late ...
"When a dragonfly hunts, it hovers perfectly still and positions itself between its prey and a shadow cast behind it by, say, ...
The high-altitude forest here is the perfect microclimate for the species, and it’s one of the few places in the world where ...
The number of monarch butterflies overwintering this year in Mexico has nearly doubled, according to the annual census data ...
Just a few years ago, the eastern monarch was considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ...
This year’s count of 4.42 acres of occupied forest habitat is nearly twice as large as last year's, but eastern monarch ...
Some squeamish folks may not want to hear this, but native flowers and plants are essential for making sure local ecosystems ...