The nomination of Tom Dewey conclusively routed the corporal's guard of Republican isolationists. They had rallied behind Robert Taft, even though he himself said that "isolationism" was a dead issue.
Tom Dewey, highball in hand, was all smiles as he circulated among the distinguished Republicans gathered at. Washington’s Mayflower Hotel for the annual Lincoln Day dinner. The rumored boycott ...
Thomas E. Dewey will be the overwhelming choice of the Harvard Faculty when it goes to the polls next Tuesday. According to a CRIMSON postcard poll of all Faculty members with appointments of more ...
Governor Tom Dewey, who prides himself on an efficient administration, submitted his new budget for 1948-49. It was the highest in New York history. Inflation, which he blamed on the “serious ...
1948 - Truman runs against Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican nominee in the 1948 presidential election. The scientific pollsters, including George Gallup, all predicted that Dewey would beat Truman.
The name of Thomas E. Dewey, outgoing governor of New York, does not appear on the official casualty lists for November 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., lame-duck congressman from that state ...