Roughly 8,000-year-old remains unearthed from present-day Tunisia held a surprise: European hunter-gatherer ancestry.
Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia clipped his wings, but after months of rehabilitation ...
A golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is released back to nature after its rehabilitation by volunteers of Tunisia's Wildlife Association (ATVS) in the mountains of the Sidi Zid region on February 23 ...
DNA recovered from archaeological remains of ancient humans who lived in what is now Tunisia and northeastern Algeria reveals that European hunter-gatherers may have visited North Africa by boat ...
Charges included "attempting to change the state's nature" and "inciting armed conflict ... crimes to the authorities," said the reports. Tunisia still hands down death sentences, particularly ...
Reconciling Nature and Tourism Touring the complex is a real joy ... Coniferous trees, outstanding feature of forests in northwestern Tunisia, were coated with Japanese Saturo which unfolds gracefully ...