Different types of disease may interact ... Other risk factors are linked but not proven. Some diseases, their effects and their risk factors are shown in the table below.
Bird flu and coronaviruses are diseases in the 'deadly' virus families that health officials warn have pandemic potential ...
White blood cells circulate in the blood and lymphatic vessels, looking for pathogens. When they find one, they begin to multiply and send signals to other cell types to do the same. The lymphatic ...
By: Sarah E. Bowden (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia) & John M. Drake (Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia) © 2013 Nature Education Depending ...
1 “The biogeography of this pathogen specifically is really important because there keep being new outbreaks which have led to epidemic situations all over the world,” said study coauthor Alexandra ...
and severe precipitation were linked to worsening outbreaks of the most pathogens, while rising sea levels was associated with exacerbating outbreaks of the fewest types of pathogens, reports New ...
Different types of disease may interact ... Other risk factors are linked but not proven. Some diseases, their effects and their risk factors are shown in the table below.