Pillow, Tennessee on April 12, 1864 100,000+ — Number of Civil War Union corpses found in the South through a federal reinterment program from 1866-1869 303,356 — Number of Union soldiers who ...
As many as 20% of Civil War soldiers were younger than 18 ... They endured the horrors of Andersonville, a Confederate prison in which thousands of Union men died of starvation and disease.
The Confederacy had more than 94,000 KIA; 26,000 – 31,000 died in Union prisons; 137,000 plus soldiers wounded; 436, 658 captured for a total loss of an estimated 864,000 Grey Coats. Civil War ...
A 57-year-old man jailed in Pennsylvania mutilated a civilian during the civil wars that ravaged the Balkans in the 90s, ...
Additionally, the union and DOCCS will work with a staffing expert to develop adjustments to facility staffing plans to reduce reliance on CO overtime. Until the prisons reach a pre-strike level ...
Additionally, the union and DOCCS will work with a staffing expert to develop adjustments to facility staffing plans to reduce reliance on CO overtime. Until the prisons reach a pre-strike level ...