A mother North Atlantic right whale and her calf were spotted February 3 near the northernmost coast of New Jersey, TAPinto Neptune reported. The animals feed in northeast New England and Canada but ...
The animal world is full of fascinating (and, let’s face it, bizarre) mating rituals. You will be shocked at the lengths ...
"There are many repercussions if black bears stay awake too long or skip hibernation." Researchers stunned by bizarre ...
Credit: Amanda Campion Cats are endlessly intriguing animals, known for their independence ... Cats may seem unpredictable, ...
The strange physiology of these short limbs has given rise to several competing hypotheses about the ancient animal's behavior. The small limbs' orientation may have made them useless for ...
Cats are endlessly intriguing animals, known for their independence ... but there is always a reason behind their weird behaviors. If your cat suddenly starts a new behavior that is out of ...
Animal behavior research is particularly relevant to the study of human behavior when it comes to the preservation of a species, or how an animal’s behavior helps it survive. The behavior of ...
Cats have some uniquely weird behaviors that may leave you scratching your head and wondering if you should be worried about them. If your feline friend is prone to staring, scratching or even ...