No matter where in the United States you’re from, your home state is sure to have its share of urban legends and urban myths.
Without a doubt, it is another urban legend forwarded from a friend of a friend. I know it will be dreadful, and in all likelihood, end badly, but I am morbidly fascinated by both the mangled ...
Urban legends have become so pervasive in our culture that they’ve even served as the basis for numerous horror films. Here, we take a look at several of those movies below: The Mothman Prophecies ...
Urban Legend tells the story of a group of pretty college students at a remote New England university. The focus of the story is Natalie, a beautiful, academically-gifted student who has a dark ...
These films revolve around urban legends, featuring sinister murders, deadly spirits, and ominous conjurations, typically set in educational institutions like college campuses and high schools.
Have you ever heard the tragic urban legend behind why Sai Ying Pun station was the last on the Island line to open? Regardless of whether you believe the creepy stories behind these stations ...