With the summer season right around the corner, experts in Arkansas are urging people to make sure their pools are safe ...
Safe Home Ultimate DIY Water Test Kit - $30 The Safe Home Ultimate Drinking Water Kit offers 25 tests for each of the following parameters: Total Chlorine, Free Chlorine, Hardness, Alkalinity ...
Because chlorine is able to kill most germs, we also depend on it to disinfect our drinking water and clean the water in our swimming pools. In the US, 98 percent of treated water supply systems ...
Chlorine is commonly used in water treatment, but it can also form disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs), which can be connected to carcinogenic effects. For pharmaceutical ...
Acting on a concerned resident’s plea, the Water Security Agency was in Redvers on March 12. The main concern was water quality, with the resident saying there was an increased ...