Teachers, mental health experts generally agree education is key to providing children with knowledge, skills to cope with ...
At Moms Clean Air Force, the organization that I co-founded to mobilize moms to fight climate pollution ... and extreme weather. The bodies of babies, toddlers, and teenagers are still developing.
Climate is a description of the average weather conditions in a certain place for the past 30 or so years. Different areas of the world have different climates. We call these climate zones.
Climate, derived from the Greek klima meaning “inclination,” is the weather averaged over a long period of time, typically 30 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change definition is: ...
An image of children participating in a meeting with Climate Action Families, a group empowering kids and teens to work on climate change issues. (KOMO News) TOPICS: SEATTLE — The youth mental ...
Kids played pick ... a Boston Globe analysis of weather data found. Winters here are warming twice as fast as summers. Those few degrees of warming caused by climate change have already sparked ...