Propagation is a great way to grow your houseplant collection and expand your indoor gardening skills. Here’s how to do it right, according to a plant expert. As far as your plants’ needs are ...
Plant propagation is the production of new plants naturally or by artificial methods. After fertilisation in flowering plants, the fertilised ovule develops into a seed. The seeds of many ...
Layering is a simple form of propagation which consists of bending ... It can then be severed from its parent to produce a new plant. Select a non-flowering shoot that's strong and healthy.
Make (free!) baby plants! Learn about 13 plants that grow from cuttings, plus get super-easy plant cutting propagation tips for each one to ensure success ...
Propagating plants is simple, after all it's what nature intended. It's an easy and inexpensive way to increase your plant collection (or give them away as gifts). Just take a cutting, place it in ...
A step-by-step guide to expand your succulent collection from pups, stem cuttings, and seeds. Propagating an aloe vera plant is a rewarding (and free!) way to get even more plants to love or share ...
"It can be disheartening to see your plants and flowers dwindling after winter, propagation is the best way to bring your ...