The Trojan wars had ended. Odysseus, Greek hero and the King of Ithaca, was desperate to return home to his wife, Penelope, and their son Telemachus, who he had not seen for ten long years.
Universal Pictures offered a surprise first-look at Christopher Nolan’s next movie on Monday that doubled as confirmation ...
There are many strong and powerful women, or femme fatales, in Greek mythology, such as Circe, Clytemnestra, Artemisia, and Medea.
However, Universal Pictures confirmed this morning with a single shot that the role of Odysseus is actually set to be played by another previously mentioned member of the cast: frequent Nolan ...
Part 1 In his third and final story featuring Odysseus, Hermes relates what happens when Odysseus comes home to his wife, Penelope. Athena, goddess of wisdom, has been slow to help Odysseus on his ...
Godspeed, Odysseus! The six-legged robotic spacecraft could become the first American vehicle to land on the moon since ...
So why is Damon’s Odysseus dressed up in some random swords-and-sandals helmet and cape? Did the stylist just raid the leftovers from Ridley Scott’s Gladiator II? Given that Odysseus was ...
Here’s how it works. Of course, if Tom Holland isn’t playing Odysseus, then the next obvious question is who will he be playing? However, that now seems like a fairly easy question to answer ...
From Florida to the moon? Godspeed, Odysseus! The six-legged robotic spacecraft that's traveled more than 1 million kilometers (or more than 621,000 miles) since launching a day after Valentine's ...
Nolan's next film features a star-studded cast. A first look at Matt Damon as Odysseus in Christopher Nolan's upcoming star-studded film "The Odyssey" has been released. The image of Damon as ...