Today, the women dedicating their lives to save the big cats draw accurate ... “I started my career working on African wild dogs. However, it was not long after that I was drawn towards the majestic ...
This story appears in the October/November 2016 issue of Nat Geo WILD magazine ... Laman have dedicated their lives to the orangutans of Borneo’s Gunung Palung National Park.
But neither of these women can be credited with operating the longest continuous study by one principal investigator of any wild mammal in ... she headed to Borneo in Indonesia.
WALTHAM, Mass., March 17. -- That strange bond of sympathy which existed between Plutano and Waino, the "Wild Men of Borneo," and made them the marvel o scientists in three continents, was never ...
From the gently swaying walkway, the sounds of countless insects and glimpses of Melinau River snaking through every shade of green encapsulate the wild beauty of Borneo. The Tourist Development ...
In Mekar Raya, a semi-remote pocket of Ketapang district near the west coast of Indonesian Borneo, the local Dayak Simpan Indigenous society are navigating the complex bureaucracy of the state in ...
The Power of Mama is a women firefighters association in Ketapang, West Borneo. Their goal is to stop arsonists who 'slash and burn' to clear the land, causing polluting peat fires. Film by Rita ...