RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas (ValleyCentral) — A ranch country sunrise would surely be diminished without the primordial howling of wild coyotes. Out of the cloaking fog, a coyote suddenly ...
If you spend time outdoors, you’ve probably encountered coyotes howling after sunset, slinking along the edge of your yard, or running whitetails on your deer property. As a clever scavenger and ...
Rural Oklahomans are no stranger to the wild domestic canine known as the coyote. Chickens and other livestock fear the ...
Human-Wildlife Interactions, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Fall 2017), pp. 167-174 (8 pages) Coyotes (Canis latrans) are considered a cosmopolitan meso-predator because of their widespread distribution throughout ...
A coyote in Pittsfield, NH. Who doesn’t love a winter wildlife story, reading tracks in the snow, and looking for clues about the wild visitors to our backyards and woodlands? Seeing deer around ...