IT之家 3 月 2 日消息,微软公司于 2 月 27 日发布新的支持文档,承认 Windows 11 新版 Outlook 存在问题, 会遇到“出了点问题... 您可能需要创建应用密码”的提醒。
Microsoft began preinstalling the new Outlook app a few months back in Windows 10 and 11. It replaced the Mail and Calendar ...
IT之家 3 月 12 日消息,科技媒体 borncity 昨日(3 月 11 日)发布博文,报道称用户反馈使用 Microsoft Terminal Server 时,无法启动经典版 Outlook。尽管新版的 Outlook 应用运行正常,但 Outlook Classic 的问题持续数周未解决。网友 Bernd D. 反馈表示在 Microsoft Terminal Server 上,以及在 ...
微软表示,Outlook已成为Windows 11的组成部分,而邮件和日历应用自2025年1月1日起已对部分用户停止服务。 这一淘汰过程被描述为“分阶段推出 ...
在科技这个日新月异的时代,连邮件客户端的启动都能引发一场波澜。近期,IT之家报道了一则让人摸不着头脑的消息:用户在使用Microsoft Terminal Server时,竟然无法启动经典版Outlook。现代版的Outlook应用运行得如鱼得水,但经典版却犹如被放逐的孩子,毫无起色地困扰着不少用户。 著名用户Bernd D. 在多个场景中尝试打开经典版Outlook,结果却始终无功而返。尽管他尝 ...
Following that, recently, Microsoft made a change to the deployment guidance for New Outlook for Windows. Neowin noticed ...
In this post, we will show you how to use the new free Outlook email app on a Windows 11 PC. The new Outlook app for Windows brings exciting new capabilities to the Outlook desktop client app.
If you see a message saying that the new Outlook is already running in Windows 11, this post will help you address the issue. Outlook is already running. Please close the other window to continue.
Windows 11 version 24H2 has a pretty hefty list of known bugs and confirmed issues. One of the latest additions affects customers with Outlook and Google Workspace Sync installed (an app for ...