Microsoft 365’s new name and logo are terrible, and it seems many agree. After squandering decades of recognizable brand recognition when the company originally rebranded Microsoft Office to Microsoft ...
近期,科技圈因微软Microsoft 365 Copilot的新图标引发激烈讨论,尤其是在低分辨率显示器上的模糊表现着实让人担忧。这不仅反映了微软在设计上的疏忽,也让我们意识到一个优秀logo设计的重要性。可能很多家人们都想为自己的品牌打造一个独特的logo,却苦于没有设计经验而无从下手。相比市场上其他软件需要专业技巧、设计材料匮乏等问题,简单AI的logo设计工具无疑是亲民的选择。它不仅操作简单 ...
Microsoft 365’s new name and logo are terrible, and it seems many agree. After squandering decades of recognizable brand recognition when the company originally rebranded Microsoft Office to ...