Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.
These are the best Scrabble words to help you score major points! Best Scrabble words to increase your score Are you a fan of ...
When it comes to games like Scrabble and other word jumblers, you’re given a list of letters and need to make words to score points from them. The New York Times (NYT) Spelling Bee is based on a ...
There's an S in Wednesday's puzzle, so make all the plurals you can find.
Spelltower+ includes popular modes from the original game, such as Tower, Puzzle, and Rush, while adding several brand new modes, many of which are variations of Puzzle. Double Puzzle adds two rows to ...
A separate program or function within a word processing or other text entry program that tests for correctly spelled words. Spell checkers can test spelling on the fly as the user types, or they ...