Before his arrest for double murder in 2019, YNW Melly was one of the most promising names in rap. Raised by a single mother in Gifford, Fla., he uploaded his first songs to SoundCloud in 2015.
The Background of YNW Melly’s Legal Troubles YNW Melly, gained fame for his hit songs like “Murder on My Mind” and “Mixed ...
YNW Melly’s ex-girlfriend was never charged with a crime when she was arrested in January, but the arrest has still ruined her life, her lawyer said in court papers filed this week. Broward ...
J amell “YNW Melly” Demons and his ex-girlfriend were reunited in Broward County on Friday, sort of, seated at opposite ends of a courtroom as a judge decided whether the young woman deserves ...
As police began to investigate, Henry’s story fell apart. When the group left the studio, rapper Jamell “YNW Melly” Demons was riding in the Jeep Compass, sitting behind Henry in the left ...