Yucca is a genus of over 40 perennial plants, shrubs, and trees. A few are grown as houseplants, including Yucca gigantea ...
The small, whitish moth blends well with the white flowers of the yucca plant, where it spends most of its adult life. The moth pollinates the flowers, and in return, the yucca provides the moth ...
As a group, succulents are easy to care for because they are drought-tolerant. They need water, but not it as often as do many other plants.
Yucca moths and yucca plants have a reciprocal obligate relationship- the plants cannot make seeds without the yucca moth, and the moth larvae only reach maturity if they eat developing yucca ...
A study sheds light on how extreme weather events impact phenological processes, specifically the flight period of butterflies and moths and the flowering time of plants, with implications for food ...
Many succulents can be found in local landscapes such as agave, yucca, bulbine, baby sunrose, etc. Succulent plants also make great container plants. Clay, or terra cotta, containers are ...