The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is among the best phones around, but it is also among the most expensive. Get it while it's $300 ...
Samsung could be getting ready to launch the Galaxy S25 Ultra is another shade of black, making it the third black colorway ...
【CNMO科技消息】三星通常会在年底前为Galaxy手机和平板推出基于新版Android的操作系统。然而,基于Android 15的One UI 7.0却比预定计划推迟了近三个月。不过,基于Android 16的One UI ...
10 天on MSN
据可靠爆料,针对三星即将发布的S25系列以及Z Fold 6和Flip 6等旗舰机型,其基于Android 16的One UI 8.0测试版本已在三星服务器上被提前发现,时间比预期早了近两个月。这一消息无疑为三星粉丝们带来了一丝惊喜。
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is the best phone Samsung has ever made, but that doesn't mean it's the best phone for your next ...
精彩瞬间,三星Galaxy系列再次成为焦点。近日,有关其新一代操作系统的消息引发了广泛关注。原本计划在年末发布的基于Android新版的One UI 7.0,竟然遭遇了长达三个月的推迟。而此次新消息则毫无疑问地点燃了三星粉丝的期待:基于最新Android 16的One UI 8.0测试版被提前曝光!
This indicates that the company will use a titanium-clad body for the Galaxy S25 Edge, presumably to justify its steep ...
知名数码博主@i冰宇宙今日通过微博披露了三星Galaxy S25 Edge参数。据称,该机机身重量仅162克,厚度为5.84毫米,成为三星目前最轻薄的旗舰机型,售价预计与Galaxy S25+相近。Galaxy S25 ...
尽管三星GalaxyS25外观与前代相比变化不大,但内在的多个升级使得这款手机的表现十分抢眼。作为2025年的首款旗舰手机,S25配备了更强劲的骁龙8EliteforGalaxy处理器,搭载OneUI7系统,加入了大量AI功能,提升了智能体 ...
So when the $1,300 Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra showed up on my desk, my first question was: Who is this for? Is it the S24 Ultra owner looking to upgrade or the Android user who hasn't picked up a ...