2025年春季,苹果公司正式推出了其备受期待的新款iPad Pro,该设备搭载了最新的M2芯片,标志着苹果在智能设备领域的又一次技术革新。这款新产品不仅提升了处理速度,还在图形性能和电池续航方面表现出色,吸引了众多科技爱好者和专业用户的关注。作为苹果iPad系列的旗舰产品,新款iPad Pro在设计上延续了精致的外观,同时在功能上进一步拓展,满足了不同用户的需求。
在近期的苹果发布会上,苹果公司正式推出了新一代iPad Pro,这款智能设备无疑将给平板市场带来一场不小的震动。新款iPad Pro搭载了最新的M2芯片,处理速度比前代提升了约20%,使得设备在运行大型应用和游戏时表现得更加游刃有余。更值得一提的是,新增的Liquid Retina XDR显示屏在色彩还原和亮度表现上也达到了新的高峰,增强了用户在观看视频和进行创作时的体验。
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN13 天
国补日入手苹果iPad Pro搭配Apple Pencil
当创意遇上高效工具,灵感便能肆意驰骋。超级国补日火热开启,一直想升级创作装备的朋友可有福了,此时入手苹果iPad Pro搭配Apple Pencil,性价比堪称“天花板”。 作为苹果平板系列的“扛把子”,iPad ...
The 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models were updated in May 2024 with the M4 chip, OLED display technology, a thinner, lighter design, and support for the Apple Pencil Pro and redesigned Magic ...
The brand-new Apple Pencil Pro is now here and is compatible with the latest M4 iPad Pro and M2 iPad Air. Both of the new tablets offer upgraded features, but the new Apple Pencil Pro brings with ...
除了新款 iPad Pro,备受关注的 Apple Pencil 也将迎来更新换代。本月初,9to5Mac 在 iPadOS 17.5 测试版代码中发现了一个针对 Apple Pencil 的全新手势操作 ...
The surprise of the new iPad Pro, however, is hidden beneath the surface of your expectations. Or rather, slightly on top of it. The new iPad Pro comes with a new feature called Apple Pencil Hover ...
iPad Diaries is a regular series about using the iPad as a primary computer. You can find more installments here and subscribe to the dedicated RSS feed. Ever since I ...
The Apple Pencil Pro, for instance, is only compatible with the new iPad Pro M4 and the new iPad Air M2. While the entry-level Apple Pencil USB-C is also compatible with the 10th generation iPad ...
The iPad Air also offers Apple Pencil 2 support, and the only real differences between them are that the Pro's screen is brighter, includes 120Hz support, and offers the option of a bigger 12.9 ...
For the Surface Pro 7+ it’s the Surface Pen, while for the iPad Pro it’s the Apple Pencil (which is now in its second generation). Apple has also updated the keyboard options for the iPad Pro ...