Apple今日正式发布更快、更强大的iPad Air,首次配备M3芯片、结合Apple的先进图像架构,将性能表现与便携度推向全新境界。与配备M1的iPad Air相比,配备M3的iPad ...
I have pushed every iPad Pro since Apple put a desktop-class M1 chip inside its tablet. Today, I would gladly pick the M3 ...
苹果公司于近日震撼发布全新iPad Air系列,此次升级搭载了前所未有的M3芯片,标志着该系列首次迈入高端图形处理领域,能效与便携性均得到显著提升。与前代搭载M1芯片的iPad Air相比,新款设备在处理速度上实现了最高两倍的提升,而相较于采用A14 Bionic芯片的旧款,性能飞跃更是高达3.5倍。
Apple appears to be on a roll announcing its new products, as the tech giant has unveiled a new iPad Air less than a year ...
I’ve been carrying Studio Neat’s new Canopy, a combination keyboard case and iPad stand, for about a week. It’s the first time Apple’s Smart Keyboard has been off my iPad Pro since I got it, but I ...