从外观设计来看,iPhone SE(第一代)沿用了iPhone 5s的外观,在大屏手机盛行的时代,4英寸的屏幕显得格格不入。当时,其他品牌的手机屏幕纷纷向5 ...
苹果的指纹解锁功能,即Touch ID,在不同设备上的应用情况各不相同。对于iPhone用户来说,iPhone 5s至iPhone 8 Plus(包括iPhone SE第一代和第二代)都配备了Touch ID指纹识别传感器,集成在Home键中。然而,从iPhone X开始,苹果转而使用Face ID(面容ID),全面屏设计取代了Home键,因此这些机型不再支持Touch ...
The SE is essentially an iPhone 6s in a 5s footprint for people who prefer a smaller phone. See iPhone 6s. In 2020, Apple debuted the SE again in the body of the iPhone 8 with a more up-to-date ...
Apple introduced the original iPhone SE in March 2016, as a lower-end, budget-conscious option. The device's design was based on the iPhone 5s. The second-generation and third-generation iPhone SE ...
Park Soo-yeon, a 22-year-old university student in South Korea, carries two iPhones: the latest iPhone 16 and a 10-year-old iPhone 5s. While she ... The demand for the iPhone SE (1st generation ...