I do have a soft spot for iPhone filters – the ones included in the regular Camera app. The color filters I can take or leave, but I’m a big black and white fan and I do love the iPhone’s Noir and ...
Panorama Direction Indicator: This symbol indicates how to move the iPhone when capturing a panoramic photo. By default, the ...
If you don’t know who PolarPro is, they’re best known for their professional camera filters and matte boxes. However, they have brought those filters to the iPhone, giving you all the same ...
We tested the feature on an old iPhone 3GS and the transition between effects was very smooth on that device, too. The Instagram developers say the new filter engine is up to 200 time faster than ...
If you’re looking for some new, quirky camera apps and filters to shake up your social media posts in 2021, we’ve rounded up five of the best. If you haven’t tried Dazz, download it now.
The polarizer and phototransistor taped to the iPhone. [Dave] wrote to tip us off about [Paul Wallace]’s take on the same idea, a DOLPi-inspired polarimetric camera using an iPhone with an ...
There are 20 other filters for users to purchase. The unique thing about this app is that there is a knob on the camera interface which users can turn and adjust the focus, via the screen.
This is how Apple built the iPhone X Apple’s iPhone X and its TrueDepth camera is about to transform these lenses (or filters) we know and love into something even more powerful and, potentially ...