随着2025年2月的到来,由安兔兔评测网发布的iOS设备好评榜成为众多消费者与科技爱好者关注的焦点。在排名中,iPad Air 4以96.55%的好评率荣登榜首,而iPhone 12 mini则紧随其后,以96%的好评率位列第二。这两款产品的成功不仅彰显了用户的偏好变化,也预示着智能设备市场的新趋势。
In the world of Apple products, the iPod mini is an example of the latter. It’s perhaps the best example of Apple killing one of its darlings. The iPod mini was introduced at Macworld San Francisco in ...
A hard disk-based digital music player from Apple. Introduced in 2004 and discontinued in 2005, the Mini was the first smaller model of the iPod. Although its hard disk capacity was limited to a ...